Thursday, May 1, 2008

Here We Are!!

So, here we are!! Levi and I are FINALLY getting married, so we too are joining the blogging world. Quick catch up for everyone:

-We have been engaged for over a year (he proposed Jan 12, 2007, at one in the morning!)
-Our wedding date is 06/07/08
-We will be in Cedar City for another year while Levi finishes his final year of school and I begin work on my second bachelors degree.

We don't really take a lot of pictures, but I'm trying to change that in order for people who have the same size attention span as me when reading blogs :)

Guess we'll see how this goes...


Ben and Camille said...

So cute Lynley! Welcome to the blogging world. It's quite fun and addicting. Love it and love your pictures!

Hali said...

YAY! She blogs... I love it, and I'm loving your engagement pics. So freakin' cute.

My blog is locked cuz I was getting ridiculous spam, but I sent you an invite. Let me know if it doesn't work!

Take care!

rachael said...

hooray for blogs!

Jesica Lindsay said...

YaY! More bloggers! I love your engagement pictures! So cute! Congrats!

Vance Family of 5 said...

I'm so glad you two are bloggers now! It's fun to stay caught up with everyone...

Brittany said...

Hey! We still need to hang out sometime. Probably after all your crazy wedding stuff settles down. I'm glad things are going good. I absolutely love your engagement pic's. What are you going to get your second degree in? Have fun!