Sunday, May 4, 2008

Why Dont Wedding To-Do Lists End??

So I keep thinking that I am coming to the end of things to do with the wedding, considering its only 33 days away, and yet, every time I get down to the bottom of my list, something else pops up.

For instance, I picked out my flower arrangements. But then, I had to decide on flower arrangements for my bouquet, the men, sisters, etc. Why should I have to do that when I made the basic decision?! Can't the flower lady just make something nice?!

Then, things I hadn't thought of are being added: car insurance. Renters insurance. Name changes on credit cards, loan papers that I don't qualify for until we are officially married and yet are due two weeks later, meaning all the name changing has to be done BEFORE all that to prove I'm really married!!!

Maybe we should have eloped a year ago :)


Lindsay Carrick said...

hey lyn! I love your blog, very cute--ours is but I have to add you as a reader so send me your e-mail address =) Anyway, congrats! That's so exciting the wedding is so close! Luv ya!

Hali said...

Ha ha...I hear all the planning does eventually end. But heck, what do I know?!? Hope the add worked. Let me know if I can help ;)

Kristin said...

The planning doesn't end. The trick is to find someone to make the decisions for you and you jut sign off on them. Delegate friend! I'm glad you finally got a blog, i'll link ya!

*The Ranagan's* said...

HAHA! How are you! I can't believe you found me on here. I didn't know you were engaged! CONGRATS! And I totally understand about the whole wedding list thing. Tim and I got married in a month and a half from when we got engaged haha CRAZINESS...I'm super excited about your wedding. Its so good to here from you!