Friday, July 18, 2008

Dark Knight

My handsome honey went to stand in line for the sold-out midnight showing of Dark Knight at 9Pm last night. Me, being the girl that I am, didnt want to stand in line for three hours before sitting for another 2 and a half, so I didnt show up with goodies and drinks until about 10:30.

We sat in the dead center of the theatre, and it ROCKED!!! The entire place was silent the whole movie, I got nervous at some parts.....this is a movie we will be purchasin the day it comes out. Oh, I think we will be buying movie tickets to it again sometime next week. Really, you NEED to see this one. I hated the one before this one (I know, I think I'm the only person in the world that did). The joker is how he is meant to be....scary, demented funny. Perfect. Go see this!


Anonymous said...

ah i've got to agree!! it was amazing!! my hubby and i saw it at the IMAX theater yesterday... ah i loved it!!!

Powell said...

ok so yeah- we have already seen it twice. :) we went to the midnight showing also and then again on sundauy. It was very good.