Did anyone else notice that school is starting next week? My sweet husband is very excited to be going back, and I sort of am, but since mine are all online, its a little different. Good luck to all who are still in school ( havent we outgrown school yet?!)
are you doing your second bachelor's thing? it got all worked out? i was just thinking about that last night and thinking i should ask you. then you posted this and it was meant to be.
and yes, i did notice that school started next week. i am doing the most ridiculous and intense orientation of my life. they are cramming the whole first year of law school into one week for us master's students because we have to hold our own with the LLM students and 3Ls. it's ridiculous. levi would love it.
love you!!
i'm JEALOUS that you're both in school!! haha i just don't have time for it right now... :(
It's okay you haven't talked to me. I understand. When we were first married we both went to school which means I was going for two poeple :) and I worked two jobs and was trying to do our house and our finances ect... so I understand the feeling. You will just get in a groove and you wont feel so crazy. But I love ya and will see you soon!!
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