Now listen here, all of you boo-hooers of the movie. Are you kidding me?! Sure, the Cullens house was wrong, and Jacob looked fairly stupid and not nearly as cool as he could have, but they used so many lines from the book, they had to make it movie-rific, which happened, and really, it could have been a LOT worse. But I for one, along with Biz, loved it. As I mentioned on Amy's blog, my husband is already finding it to download for me. I love the soundtrack. the characters were great (I think James is the hottest of the lot. Totally do-able, if you know what I mean. Did you NOTICE the hot-boy line when he is coming to kill Bella in the studio?! Stef, I KNOW you noticed it.)
Anyway, there is my rant. I've done enough defending it, since I have to, living with my husband (if you know my husband, you know how difficult it is to argue anything. Stupid that hes trained in logic and reasoning...)
Other things:
-Hali, I'm glad you are still alive. I know how scary break ins can be. This is why my husband keeps guns in the house. Loaded. This is warning to all who may feel the need to see how cool my place is in the middle of the night. Moving on.
-I'm working Thanksgiving again. This is a good thing. Last year, I made about 170 bucks in the five hours at work. This will help pay off my husbands new computer he is getting for Christmas.
-Thats the next thing. Levi gets a new computer, I get to go get a full day at the Casablanca spa with Biz. It will be wonderful. We may also be taking a trip to go snowmobiling in Yellowstone. I'm WAY excited for this possibility. However, the computer may have thwarted the idea.
-I got my hair done. Not that thats exciting to anyone else, but I havent had it done in four months, and then i dyed it myself because i was bored. My husband gets nervous when I'm bored.
-My nephew gets cuter everyday. This is not to say I want kids ANYTIME soon. In fact, Levi and I will probably wait about two more years, until we are nearly done with law school and my speech pathology masters degree. Woohoo for making 150,000 bucks a year!! (and paying off 70,000 in debt....)People keep asking me when I'm having kids, and look, once you have them, you cant get rid of them. I'm still young, and i have a lot of other things to pay for. 'nuff said.
-my husband rocks. i mean, who elses husband tries to DL Twilight when they despise everything about it? he's sending me to a spa, and right at this moment, while im sitting on my butt, he is cooking spaghetti with homemade sauce which is absolutely delicious. we both are itching for some snow because we have decided to make a HUGE snowman this year on the lawn of our apartment. we will be needing help, so anyone available would be good. this is assuming it actually snows this year. lame.
ok, thats about it. if anyone feels like coming to my apartment, I'm going to have a cup of cocoa, watch a Christmas movie, and wrap presents. Just knock before you enter.
Wow, so you really get on top of the Christmas thing early huh? That's awesome. You're way more motivated than me. Our address is 1612 Hope Dr. #332, Santa Clara CA 95054. We can't wait to see to see you guys over Christmas! Love you.
Aww that's really sweet that your husband is doing something for you even though he doesn't really care for it...
So where are you living? Send me a message to my email, i will add that link.. and would love to get yours as well!!
arg! I can't convince Jace that if he really loves me he will take me to see Twilight! So if I want to see it I hae to wait til it comes out on DVD so let me know if Levi finds a download! Your nephew does get cuter everyday.. you should post some pics of him! LOL check out my blog for his latest.. XOXO
Oh Lilly! How I miss you! Thanks for your concern. Yes, I'm pondering the gun concept... and I'd really like to see your place. Promise to use the door (and knock ;).
PS... you getting your hair done is exciting! :) But, I too, get a little nervous when you get bored. Ha ha.
Anywho... miss your face my friend. Hope all is well. Will you be up for the holidays? We should rendevouz (sp?... it's late. Hehe) Laters!
I'm glad you liked Twilight as well! I really enjoyed it, and feel like all I have been doing is defending it...oh well. I'm glad to hear that you are doing good. I hope your Thanksgiving was great! Have fun!
This is so great cuz I really like Twilight too. I heard a lot of people were disappointed in it so I was hesitant to go...but come to find out it was actually a good flick :D And yes your husband is amazing! Tim did go to Twilight with my...but it was more like kicking and screaming...and I'm pretty sure the only thing he can cook is a grilled cheese...he does know how to whip up a mean eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon tho. MMMM I'm making myself hungry......
Haha! Oh boy line. It was fantastic. The movie had it's quirks, as all movies do, but I thought it was pretty good!! They did a really good job following the story line. :) I'll definately buy.
I agree!! Well for the most part. I loved the movie! I tried to not have expectations before we went so I wouldn't be too upset with it. BUT I think James is butt ugly ha ha...
Thanks for your positive attitude about Twilight. It actually makes me like it a little more. Maybe by the time the next movie comes around I'll be a bigger fan.
Oops. I only meant one "to see" on my previous comment.
hey lynley! It's been a while since I checked your blog but it was fun reading the Twilight! It's so funny because I feel almost exactly as you do about Twilight, I heard a lot of people who didn't like it, so I lowered my expectations, but I loved it! I'm glad you're doing good, love ya!
Hey Lynley! We live about 10 minutes from Vanderbilt... That's where all of my doctors are! It's a great school. Expensive, but great. I hope you guys are having a wonderful Christmas season. Miss seeing you!
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