As I mentioned before, Levi and I have been sick. Well, since I'm lame with posts and we dont really do anything except work and school, I'm going to explain my latest "sick." I have pics, but they arent pleasant, so I'm not posting. Again, a pictureless blog. Lame, I know.
So my dear friend Biz gets sick often. She wished a UTI on me, and low and behold, I developed one like two days later. This was the last day of December, so I called the hospital after work and tried to make an appointment for later that day. They were booked (of course) AND they were closed the next day because of the New Year. Therefore, the soonest I could get in to see a doctor was the 2nd. I figured, well, it just started, so I should be fine.
Not fine. The 2nd rolls around and I am in some serious pain. I made Levi go with me because the pain in my back was so horrific I could hardly walk. We get there and the woman at the desk keeps handing me more paperwork because Levi and I don't have insurance. I'm standing there, crying softly because I need to sit down, and she just looks at me dumbly. What is WITH THAT?!
So i get in, and the doctor pounds on my back, which makes me sick, and decides that in two days, my UTI has developed into a kidney infection. Thats really quick, for those of you who don't know. He writes me a prescription for Septra and Lower-tab (yeah, I spelled it wrong) and sends me on my way. Levi carries me out to the car because I now can't walk.
After sleeping on a hot pad, I'm feeling better, and progressively get better over the next few days. Biz and I take our trip to Mesquite and yes, I'm going to tell you how awesome it was right here, in the middles of my "sick" blog, because it gets even better.
Biz and I are both feeling pretty good, so we book our spa day at the Casablanca. We got down there at noon, and immediately went for a soak in the mineral pools. The weather was PERFECT. After a two hour soak, we each had one hour facials performed, and if you have never had one, you need one. really. you do. when we were done, we took naps in the quiet room, spend some time in the sauna, more splashing in the pools, and then we had our two hour massage of bliss. Body exfoliation, body masque, sleeping, sauna, one hour was glorious. We finally left the spa at 7:30 that evening, and ate at a cute little Mexican place where we fell asleep halfway through.
Anywho, we left the next day, and that evening I noticed some hives on my legs. I thought maybe the oil they had used had caused it, so i soaked in the bath and then covered them with some cortisone.
By the middle of the night, my legs were covered in hives and a rash.
The next morning, it was all over my body, but just sort of speckled and a little itchy, but not bad. I went to work with a long sleeve shirt on, and tried really hard not to scratch. I took some Benadryl and went to bed.
When I woke up, I looked...well, I don't even know how to describe it. Like I said, I have pics, but they arent pretty. It was bad enough and itchy enough and my chest was tight enough that Levi took me to the Instacare. They proceeded to tell me that I am allergic to the medication they had initally placed me on for the kidney infection. They told me there was nothing they nor I could do, and good luck.
The next three days were horrible. The painful itching became bad enough at three different times that Levi had to physically place me in a cold bath and hold me under til my skin went numb in order to stop the itching. I have never been so uncomfy in my entire life.
Moral of the story---dont take sulfites. Supposedly 80% of people are allergic to them. You dont want them. My kidney infection did go away, but I now have funky marks on my legs that havent faded yet. Totally not worth it.
Dang girl... I hope you feel better soon!
Oh...My...I think you have some of the worst luck EVER! I'm so sorry! I am actually allergic to sulpha also....and I broke out in a rash as well. Not a good time.
My goodness! I'm so sorry. I hope you get feeling better! (By the way I know what hives over the entire body feel like, 1% of pregnant women get them and I was lucky enough to be in that statistic with Spencer....and it is definately miserable!)
UGH! So sorry my friend! That officially sounds terrible. I hope you're feeling better (and that the unpleasant marks fade) soon!
What a miserable ordeal!! I'm sorry you had to go through that. Your day at the spa did sound absolutely HEAVENLY though. I would die to do that. Is it pretty spendy? Hope you're getting back to 100% better!
i am so jealous.
of the spa, not the nasty hives and kidney infection!
oh, and we're making that ravioli for dinner next week! i am so excited for a lynley dinner! i love you tons, and even if your hive marks never go away, i'll spoon with you forever.
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