To start, yesterday Levi received an acceptance letter from Charlotte School of Law in North Carolina with a $15000 per year scholarship. That's almost a half-tuition, so not bad. However, this was one of the schools we dont care to go to, but its nice to know its there! I'll add to the list as we get letters.
For spring break, Levi and I went to look at houses, see our families, and go to Hogle Zoo with our friends Brett and Brittany and their son Zachary! I haven't been to the zoo in years and years, so it was like a new place. I took pictures (yay pictures!) of our trip and of cute baby Jack...he is getting so cute its scary. Enjoy!

This is my sweet hubby at the zoo....I love him!

I swear, ever animal at the zoo was sleeping. It was cute. But boring.

These are the red pandas, which Levi loves. He wants one as a pet to lay on top of his computer.

This was the giraffe that licked Levi. He says a giraffe tongue feels like a cats tongue. Odd.

And THIS is the super adorable baby Jack. He loves cameras, and his toes are always curled under. And he has a new fascination with shoes and shoelaces.

He loves his Uncle Levi...Levi was tickling his neck and ears and he kept giggling. I love him. Both of them, in fact.
Although a red panda would be fun, i'm prettysure it wouldn'tjust sit on thecomputer! thanks for all the picture! it's fun to see updates!
Kudos to Levi on the upcoming graduation. (Aren't you so glad we're done with that? Oh wait....)
Keep us posted on the law-school-ness, but don't go to NC. That's too far away :-). Loves!
Wow...North Carolina..Far. I'm with Hali, on that one. :)
But YAY for pictures!!
I can't believe Jack is that big, and he looks just like his dad. It's cold and snowy on my spring break, so not fun outings for us. Good luck with the law school search.
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