Monday, August 31, 2009

We're In!

And we are LOVING it! Still some little quirks to figure out (this awesome light above the table won't work...I'm hoping its the wiring and not the lamp!). I'm sleeping in Nephi tonight to take more stuff up tomorrow while Levi does the grown-up law school thing, and my goal for tomorrow is to do the kitchen and wash the master bedroom walls again. Then, on to priming them for paint. But I have this sneaking suspicion that I won't get that far when I still have about 3 hours of studying to do on top of it......


Kristin said...

HOORAY! So glad you finally made it in!

Ashley said...

YEAH that's awesome! CONGRATS! It's so nice to get settled in!! Just not the moving stuff around part ;)

Hali said...


So glad things finally worked out! I have class tonight, but if you need some help the rest of the week. Hollar!

Ps.. rock those studies :-)

Chelsea said...

yea lynley and levi! i am so glad everything worked out.

i can't wait to see it!!

love you both tons!

Jael said...

I'm now officially stalking your blog. And, I want to see pics of your house.